About this blog
There are plenty of people better qualified to write about music than I am. There are plenty of people better qualified to write about The Fall than I am. But that's not going to stop me. Fall songs have featured heavily in the 'Track of the Week' diary posts over at my Tea at Johnny's blog but I wanted to do a bit more - so this is it. The idea is for me to pick one track that was released or broadcast for the first time in each year of the Fall's 40-year recording career and write about it. This isn't going to be easy. Some of them may have personal connections with where I first heard it or what it reminds me of. Others will be simply because they are stunning records that deserve a wider audience and I want to hear them again (and again). I'll try to focus on studio recordings and Peel sessions (some live stuff may creep in) and I'll also hope to keep it purely the Fall despite Mark E Smith making a couple of fantastic collaborations with...