1997 - Ol' Gang
29 September: Album - Levitate "Feeling pretty Manc" (Note to self - get your act together and do these more often) As there's only one release for me to get stuck into this year I'll start with a more personal recollection. To my great regret (and not without a little bit of shame) this was the last year I saw The Fall live. They were in my home town (at a different venue to where I first saw them 15 years previously), in a club that was well known for its indie nights and one where I'd spent many happy hours through the eighties and early nineties. The group were not in a good place at the time and MES was going through his 'start, stop, take them off for a pep talk' phase. That happened early in the piece here with the group leaving the stage via an emergency exit. I can't remember how long they were off but certainly long enough for us to wonder if they were coming back. I went with a friend who, unknown to me at the time, was battling a...